Well, you somehow stumbled upon this blog, I thank you for that. It means a lot to add an extra visit to my Google Analytics. All jokes aside, thanks for reading.
The goal of this post is to give you an idea of what your eyes might scroll past as you read future posts, consider this an executive blog summary for 2020 (subject to change). Here’s a preview of today’s reading:
- A section about the author, and who he is at the date of publishing
- Overview of the types of content you’ll see on the SomethingPete blog
- A widget asking you to signup to my newsletter
- Egregious grammatical errors
So now that you are prepared, let's get into it.
Who is SomethingPete (very weird to refer to myself like this):
For lack of more eloquent words, I am a 27-year-old American Digital Nomad (hate this term), Wannabepreneur. So what does that mean? Well, let’s unpack it.
27 year old: To put it simply, I was born in 1993, so that makes me a millennial. So what you’ll read is coming from someone whose formative years took place as the world was changing from kids playing outside and getting scrapes and bruises to sharing every little pointless moment online. Being a millennial also provides me with a sense of an undeserved entitlement (that’s probably why I am writing this blog). So please be kind as you read.
American: I am a fortunate citizen and taxpayer of the United States of America. This means I get to exercise all the rights and privileges of being an American. It also plays a big role in shaping my world view, but we can get to that in another day.
Digital Nomad: One of those great privileges of being an American is having a passport that lets you travel and see the world with relative ease. As a result, I’ve decided to spend the majority of my time OUTSIDE of the good ole U.S.A. I typically spend anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months in a different country before I pack my bags and go somewhere new. Sometimes I travel completely solo, and other times I travel with family or friends, it all depends on my mood and who can stand being next to me at that point in time. I also work remotely to support this lifestyle, I wish I was an Instagram influencer and could just take pictures and get paid $$$$, but I am not, I’ve accepted it, and I have moved on.
Wannabepreneur: What is a Wannabepreneur? It’s someone that is making attempts to be an entrepreneur but isn’t quite there yet (gone full-time). Instead, they stick to weekend side hustles until that golden moment appears. Until that time comes, I’ll use my spare time for refining skills and building projects that hopefully have some sort of payout in the future. Here are a few of my projects I’m working on below (shameless backlink building):
- tryindigo.com (we let humans explore the power of their passport)
- tryfluid.com (we build software for companies)
Well, that's me at a very superficial level... hope you don’t hate me... If not, then keep reading to learn what I’ll write about.
Bonus - Hobbies: Giving my dad unwarranted panic attacks for my decisions, cooking, and playing basketball.
Types of Content to Expect on this blog
Hey! You made it here, great to see you. This next section is a brief overview of what I plan to write about and share. These are all topics that I am very passionate about and have spent time and resources investigating and gathering expertise in. If non of these excite you, then this blog is probably not worth your time, and thats ok. Without further ado, here we go:
Travel experiences:
Since late 2018, I’ve had the privilege to work fully remotely. With that, I’ve traveled to over 25+ countries spending at least two weeks in each of them and a handful more countries with less significant time. I’d definitely call myself an experienced traveler and digital nomad (🤮) and want to share that accumulated knowledge. You can expect city guides, resources on travel and nomadism, and finally, stories of my failures or realizations in a specific place.
The crazy world of startups:
For better or for worse, I’ve been in the startup world at some level since my senior year of college. It is who I am and is my passion professionally. I’ve gathered a wide range of experiences both good and bad and want to share that. If something catches my eye in the startup world, expect to see a post. This can be anything from an IPO, to a new tech gaining traction. I’ve also started micro-investing in startups and will share my deal memos as to why I made or passed on an investment. My goal is to invest $10,000 in the 5 years...
The quest to be the world’s most interesting man:
My secret role model growing up was the Dos Equis Man, a.k.a. The Most Interesting Man in the World. After a life long reflection, I now understand he was able to achieve this title through the accumulation of knowledge, skills, and interesting stories. I am making a commitment through my travels to read one book and learn one skill relevant to each place I stay at least a month. I’ll plan to share those learnings when I can.
Peteciples (Principles):
To keep it short and simple, this won’t be random angry rants about the world. Instead, I’ll write about observations, conversations, and scenarios that have shaped or challenged my beliefs. I view myself currently as a man with loosely held principles and the goal through this writing is to help myself clearly define and live by those beliefs. While I view this as deeply personal, I believe in thought exposure and want to share them with those interested enough in reading. I am open to being challenged and learning as it’s a part of every human's journey. I only ask you to read and critique with an open and respectful mind as your and my lived experiences are vastly different (going on a hunch here).
The promised opt-in widget!
Feel free to leave your name and email to get blog post updates from yours truly.
That’s all folks, thanks for reading.
Now you know what this blog is all about... hope you read again soon.